Auth Info


This website allows you to manage your MAST API tokens and web sessions using your MyST Login


API tokens are a short blurb which the MAST API will accept to identify your user profile. Create these tokens on the tokens page. To have your token automatically used by Astroquery and the cURL download scripts, set the environment variable $MAST_API_TOKEN. Both Astroquery and the cURL download script will have instructions on how to create and use tokens.

Follow the same caution with your API tokens as you do with your passwords. Do not share the token with others and do not check them into source control. Check when the token was created and used last on the tokens page. API tokens will expire after 10 days of inactivity or 60 days after creation, whichever comes first.


On the sessions page, you can see where and when the sessions are being used. Each session corresponds with a MAST website login.

User Information:

Anon True
Ezid anonymous
Scopes []
Session None
Token None